
Parque Tricahue

Parque Tricahue


South of Santiago three hours on Ruta 5 highway is Talca, a medium-sized city of about 250,000 people.  From there it's an hour and a half bus ride east (towards the mountains) to get to Armerillo, small town and home of Parque Tricahue, where two friends and I spent a long weekend hiking, eating peanut butter, and somewhat-successfully building fires in our cabin's stove. 

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Bolivia, Part 3: Vinto

I spent two weeks at a HelpX farm called Vinto Lindo, located just outside Cochabamba.  It was nice to be out of the hustle-and-bustle of the city and work with my body in the garden, pulling weeds, getting calluses digging post holes, planting fruit trees, harvesting corn by hand, and sharing hour-long lunches with the other volunteers and our host.    

view from the farm

view from the farm

Two teams being led by local farmers in the corn field

Two teams being led by local farmers in the corn field

building with the volunteer kitchen and tool shed

building with the volunteer kitchen and tool shed

garden extension and greenhouse

garden extension and greenhouse

Main garden with lettuce, pole beans, onions, potatoes, strawberries, and squash

Main garden with lettuce, pole beans, onions, potatoes, strawberries, and squash


I met some people that were very genuine souls: a Tim from France who made a killer Bechamel sauce (used in vegetable lasagna..nom nom), Caitlin from England who had been travelling South America for the past few months, and Anneliese from Canada who did advanced-level woodworking and knew a lot about permaculture from WWOOFing in New Zealand.

Tim playing his violin

Tim playing his violin

famous vegetable lasagna with Bechamel sauce, my first meal at the farm

famous vegetable lasagna with Bechamel sauce, my first meal at the farm

Caitlin bonded with this little creature who followed us home

Caitlin bonded with this little creature who followed us home

Quinoa plant

Quinoa plant

Cactus and its fruit, tuna  

Cactus and its fruit, tuna  

plant outside the volunteers' quarters

plant outside the volunteers' quarters

The stars at night were gorgeous, a glimpse into the southern hemisphere's night sky

The stars at night were gorgeous, a glimpse into the southern hemisphere's night sky

All in all a satisfying, rewarding, and challenging stay.  To have a look at my first HelpX experience in Costa Rica, click here.  To read Part 4: Carnaval in Oruro, click here.