This is my third roll of color film, shot mostly from fall break, and it's my favorite yet. So excited for how these turned out (because let's be honest, it's still a crap-shoot for me shooting film as a mostly-digital shooter). Shout out to anyone who exclusively used film (thanks, Mom, for all the great baby photos of me shot using film!). P.S. - none of these were enhanced after they were processed (the luscious color is all due to the film/beautiful fall colors of Michigan).
Gored my hand with a spiky plant to get this shot. Worth it.
Pot belly pig coming to greet me.
I travelled to Manchester, Michigan, to volunteer as part of an alternative break (AltBreak) with SASHA, an animal sanctuary (which is why there is a pig and donkeys in this post). These beings were really cool to get to know. I hope they thought the same of me (but they probably wondered why I had a movable, large third eye that clicked at them). A post with digital shots of the trip is coming soon.