A view of the Andes mountains, night photos from a high-rise building, and a location 5 miles closer to my university than my home-stay: I'm pretty dang excited to be living in an apartment building for my second semester abroad. And my laptop + Lightroom again. Thank god. All I need now is to stop lighting microwave popcorn on fire...
I think Nunu deserves her own post, for being the big presence she is in my life. Personally, I prefer dogs because they're a little more durable, but she holds her own for weighing all of 5 lbs...maybe a bit more, but most of it is fluff.
It's fall here. The bike paths are covered with leaves, crunch and dull brown. It's usually pretty cloudy, and walking to the apartment yesterday I realized I couldn't see the cordillera. It was completely covered up by a mix of clouds a smog. In the midwest US it would have the decency to rain once in awhile and release the clouds, but no such luck here. It is nice breaking out the fall clothes, scarves, jeans...but the sad truth is I still don't have much of a wardrobe after packing so light. But I do have two pairs of jeans now, so that's exciting. Okay, less talk, more photos.