
Colchagua region = wine, more wine, and empanadas apparently.  I wouldn't know because my bus didn't stop at the magic empanada place.  This was CIEE's last weekend excursion, a last gulp of fresh air before finals in a month, and it was so beautiful.

Day One: Santa Cruz

Day One: Vitamin C, naps, Colchagua region museum, bike ride to Laura Hartwig vineyard, tour and wine tasting.  And lucky me, wine is apparently a short-term fix for a cold.

I like taking photos of wine, not actually drinking wine.  Give me a juice box instead.  // 29 may

I like taking photos of wine, not actually drinking wine.  Give me a juice box instead.  // 29 may

Corks against the wood grain of a carved bowl // 29 may

Corks against the wood grain of a carved bowl // 29 may

Wine cellar // 29 may

Wine cellar // 29 may

Cork balancing on a wine bottle // 29 may

Cork balancing on a wine bottle // 29 may

Learning about the wine-making process in Spanish is not the most fruitful...hehe...fruit...grapes.  Ahem.  However, after the brief introduction I know how to say barrel (barriga), so there's something. 

Sunset outside the vineyard // 29 may

Sunset outside the vineyard // 29 may

Vase of flowers in the shadows of the vineyard's shop lights // 29 may

Vase of flowers in the shadows of the vineyard's shop lights // 29 may

Day Two: Cahuil 

Sunset from the cabins in Cahuil // 30 may

Sunset from the cabins in Cahuil // 30 may

View from my bedroom nook // 30 may

View from my bedroom nook // 30 may

Day 2: stayed in cabins in Cahuil, a small town by the ocean.  I had a view of the ocean from my bedroom window and fell asleep to the dull roar of the ocean while covered in 5 blankets.  During the day we biked to Los Lobos, a beautiful and ragged cliff overlooking a beach known for it's world-class surfing.  In the afternoon we kayaked on a salt-water river into a bird sanctuary with herons.  

Looking down towards the shore // 30 may

Looking down towards the shore // 30 may

The lineup of the group entourage.  Not pictured is the second van + bike racks // 30 may

The lineup of the group entourage.  Not pictured is the second van + bike racks // 30 may

Mayo, expedition dog and resident cuddles-seeker // 30 may

Mayo, expedition dog and resident cuddles-seeker // 30 may

Plants outside the cabins in Cahuil // 30 may

Plants outside the cabins in Cahuil // 30 may

More plants in Cahuil // 30 may

More plants in Cahuil // 30 may

Punto Los Lobos

Punto Los Lobos // 30 may

Punto Los Lobos // 30 may



Seaweed at sundown // 30 may

Seaweed at sundown // 30 may

Sundown in Cahuil // 30 may

Sundown in Cahuil // 30 may