Our third day in San Pedro, Saturday, we pretty much did everything. Basically the book of all things tourist got thrown at us (in a good way) - starting with a 5:30am wakeup call. There were many power-naps to be had on the bus.
Clara at the Tatio Geysers around 7:30am. It was really cold. Photographer, traveller, artist, general badass human. Good egg. // 18 april 2015
Cassandra in the Valle de la Luna (Moon Valley). Note the moon ring on her finger...hehe. World traveller, hiking machine, lover of horror movies, overall A+ human. // 18 april 2015
I found out just how rusty I am at portraits. It has been a good 3 months since my last 'real' shoot, so it makes sense. Here's to dusting out the cobwebs! Good thing these nice humans were willing to be in front of the camera.
Mr. Rock. The forces that must have been to shape this are incredible // 18 april 2015
Crystals solidified at the opening of former geysers // 18 april 2015
18 april 2015
When the sun peeked over the mountain range it made for some beautiful back-lit steam // 18 april 2015
Tatio Geysers // 18 april 2015
Valle de la Luna (Moon Valley) // 18 april 2015
Can you spot the vicuña in the scraggly brush? // 18 april 2015
Valle de la Luna // 18 april 2015
Who am I to tell you this is what Chile is? I take frames, guided by my upbringing as a middle-class, college-educated United States citizen. Even my photos aren't neutral. They can't be. I've been doing some reading on the ethics of travel, and have just started to digest it. Confronting the fact that it may not be your natural-born right to travel across the world isn't an easy task.
Road back to San Pedro de Atacama from the geysers // 18 april 2015
Friends // 18 april 2015
Sunset at Valle de la Luna // 18 april 2015